Get Actively Involved
The New Salem Civic Association has a rich history of social gatherings. For over 65 years, it has also provided a forum to address evolving neighborhood issues.
The success of the NSCA depends on volunteers, so do what you can to get active. There are ways to share your talents that don’t require a large time commitment. Some things don’t even really take time out of your schedule. The most important thing you can do is to get to know your neighbors that live close to you and share contact info.
Volunteers are needed to coordinate events, organize projects, and help address community issues including:
• Welcome to the Neighborhood Committee
• Halloween Parade
• Season’s Greetings event
• Neighborhood Garage Sale
• Welcome Summer BBQ
• New Salem Cookbook
• Beautification (Entranceway/Pillars/New Street Signs)
Please contribute your time, talents and ideas for our neighborhood organization! We are always looking for ideas you think will make New Salem a great place to live. To volunteer, please contact Amy Luria at