Street light out on your corner?…
Pothole at the end of your block?…
When do they pick up my leaf bags?…
When can I water my lawn?
How can I protect my home from a burglary?
Here’s who to contact and some tips!
The Department of Public Works Street Lighting District is responsible for installation and maintenance of street lights on Town, County and State roadways within unincorporated areas of the Town.
To report street light outages please call 311 or (516) 869-6311 with the street name, nearest house number and nearest cross street.
The Town does not maintain traffic signals. If the signal housing is green in color it is maintained by New York State, please call (631) 724-4040. If the signal housing is yellow in color is it maintained by Nassau County, please call (516) 572 0465.
The Town of North Hempstead Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance and repair town roadways, including pavement, potholes and drainage maintenance, street sweeping, street sign installation and maintenance, street trees, snow removal, ice and flood control. Complaints may be made to: Town of North Hempstead Highway Department – 739-6700
Street signs – Reports of missing or damaged signs (traffic control signs, parking signs and street name signs) may be made to 739-6731.
Meadow Carting Corporation – 338-0121
Garbage Collection Days:
Garbage should be stored in a leak proof metal or plastic container, secured to prevent spillage caused by raccoons, storms, etc. and placed at the curb no earlier than 5PM on the evening before a collection day and no later than the 7AM start of collection activity. A maximum of three 32 gallon cans (or equivalent bags) of putrescible (food) waste will be collected each day and a maximum of four 32 gallon cans (or equivalent bags) of rubbish, or non-putrescible waste. Rubbish includes material from general household clean-ups as well as construction and demolition debris that is performed by the homeowner. Arrangements to remove oversized loads or waste produced by building/demolition contractors must be made privately with a company of your choosing, or alternatively, you or the contractor can self haul to the Town recycling facility on Shore Rd. Town of North Hempstead fees will apply at the recycling facility. Contractor waste will not be collected.
Residential Recycling (separated into paper and mixed glass, metal and plastic containers) is collected once each week on one of your regular collection days. Check the map for details about recycling pick-ups where you live.
Yard waste is picked up from April 1 through Dec 15 on the first collection day of the week, Monday or Tuesday, depending on your normal schedule. This includes leaves, grass clippings, and branches. Branches must be tied or bundled and be no greater than 3″ in diameter and 4 feet in length. Check the map for the collection day in your area
Bulk Waste – Two items of bulk waste (including appliances, tires, and other large items) will be collected once per week on Saturday. Doors must be removed from refrigerators and freezers. Rugs and carpets and any other loose items should be reduced to four foot lengths and tied.
Hazardous Waste – The Town of North Hempstead has instituted the S.T.O.P. Program as “An Environmental Preservation Effort to Collect Household Hazardous Waste in the Town of North Hempstead and Ensure its Proper Disposal.”. (e.g. lead paints, batteries, pesticides and other hazardous materials.) For more information call the North Hempstead Recycling Hotline: 767-4600.
Please note that all latex paints can go in the regular garbage. Latex paint cans should first be opened and dried before placement at the curb for collection. Latex paint cans that are closed and /or contain liquid paint will not be collected.
Recyclables Collection Information
Newspaper/Paper/Cardboard: Shall be kept separate and shall be tied with rope/cord sufficient in strength to facilitate handling in bundles not exceeding 50 pounds or they shall be placed in paper bags in bundles not exceeding 50 pounds.
Glass Bottles/Metal Cans/Plastic Containers: Shall be kept separate and shall be placed in the properly marked recycling containers as prescribed by the District.
Yard Waste: Shall be kept separate and shall be placed in heavy duty bags.
Port Washington Water District – 767-0171
EVEN number address = YOUR watering days are the EVEN calendar days
ODD number address = YOUR watering day are the ODD calendar days
WATERING: 2 hours maximum
No watering between 10:00AM and 4:00 PM
2) Create an up-to-date home inventory including make, model, serial numbers, where and when purchased, and the item’s purchase price or estimated value. Attach receipts if you have them. Take photographs or videotape everything, and keep them in a safe place.
3) Keep your shrubbery trimmed. Thick tall shrubbery provides cover for a burglar to work undetected.
4) Make sure the exterior of your house is well-lit. Exterior lights are important especially near the doors or in the rear of the house, where most burglars do their work.
5) Make sure all doors and windows are locked when you leave, even if you have an alarm system. Lock the doors and windows even if you plan to leave only for a few minutes. Most burglars won’t attempt to break a secured window for fear of attracting attention.
6) Secure any sliding doors. Make sure the lock is in working order. A steel rod in the door channel is helpful. For additional security, install two or three screws in the overhead track to reduce the chance of the door being lifted out of the track.
7) If you have an alarm system, put up signs that say that you do. Do not use signs that hint at what type of equipment your system uses. Have your alarm serviced by a reputable technician. USE YOUR ALARM
8) Keep your garage doors closed and locked. This helps prevent access to the house and protects property stored in the garage.
9) Do not leave all your valuables in your bedroom. Burglars always check the bedrooms first.
10) Make your home appears occupied by putting on lights and televisions on timers when no one is home.
11) Outdoor lights should be on an automatic timer.
12) If on vacation, have the post office hold your mail, or have a trusted neighbor to pick up all mail, newspapers and deliveries daily. Do not allow these items to accumulate. Ask the same neighbor to park in your driveway while you are gone.
13) Ask a trusted neighbor to tend the yard, shovel the snow, and watch your home when you are away or have a trusted friend or relative house sit in your absence
14) Do not allow empty garbage pails to sit curbside after trash collection days.
15) Do not let people know you are not home by posting on the internet or on voicemail.
16) Never leave a house key in such obvious places as a mailbox or under a door mat.
17) Offer to help a neighbor with any of the above. Be a good neighbor. Watch out for each other.
18) Always LOCK your vehicle, no matter where it is parked, even in your driveway.
19) Be an observant neighbor. Notify police of any suspicious activity in your neighborhood. USE 911. Residents and Police are partners in solving these crimes; we welcome the information provided by the communities we serve.
20) Help prevent your home from becoming a target. Walk around your home and do a thorough security inspection.